We can produce commercial level quantities of our past Private Culture Collection strains. Explore our full Private Culture Collection below, and reach out through your Wyeast account to order. Please note, production times for strains outside of our current seasonal collection may vary.
Q2 Spring 2025
Limited Release April - June 2025
American Lager
A complex and aromatic strain that can be used for a variety of lager beers. This strain is an excellent choice for Pre-Prohibition Lagers, formerly known as Classic American Pilsners.
Isolated from a small Belgian brewery, this strain produces beers with moderate esters and minimal phenolics. Apple, bubblegum and plum-like aromas blend nicely with malt and hops. This strain will finish dry with a hint of tartness.
This strain is ideally suited to the production of West Coast-style American craft beers, especially pale, IPA, red, and specialties. Thorough attenuation, temperature tolerance, and good flocculation make this an easy strain to work with. Flavor is balanced neutral with mild ester formation at warmer temperatures, allowing hops, character malts, and flavorings to show through.
A traditional culture of North American and Canadian lagers, light pilsners, and adjunct beers. Mildly malty profile, medium ester profile, well balanced. Malty finish.
The Budvar style strain has a nice malty nose with subtle fruit tones and a rich malt profile on the palate. It finishes malty but dry, well balanced, and crisp. Hop character comes through in the finish.